Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Supplier business continuity
During this challenging time, many of our suppliers across the country have been forced to adjust the way they conduct business.
In order to keep you updated on the situation of each supplier, we have created a business continuity table for each of our Framework categories:
Government Guidance
Further information and guidance on public procurement regulations and responding to the coronavirus, COVID-19, outbreak:
Procurement Policy Note 1/20: Responding to COVID-19
Procurement Policy Note 2/20: Supplier relief due to COVID-19
PfH update
Following the outbreak of coronavirus (COVID-19) our priority is the health, safety and wellbeing of colleagues, members, suppliers and stakeholders. We will continuously review our operations and service levels to ensure our colleagues, members, suppliers and stakeholders are fully supported.
Please click here for PfH’s full coronavirus statement (17.03.20)
From WFH initiatives to supporting the homeless, many of our suppliers have been working tirelessly to ensure support is being provided to our members and beyond during this difficult period.
Find out more about the work that we and our suppliers have been doing in our latest newsletter:
If your organisation are looking to source products or services to support in the global response to the Covid-19 outbreak then contact